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Finance Courses

Basic Economics
Level Beginner

Basic Economics

Our primer on economics will help you understand the theory and principles behind the workings of an economy. Microeconomics addresses issues such as how prices are set and market places are organized. The topic also addresses the forces of supply and demand at the heart of an understanding of economics. Macroeconomics brings together the component pieces that help shape the output of an economy and that cause an economy to thrive.

Monetary Measures, Economic Output and Corporate Profits (US)
Level Beginner

Monetary Measures, Economic Output and Corporate Profits (US)

The amount of money and credit in economies, the growth of economies and the profitability of companies are important indicators of economic health. Money and credit help to drive economic activity. The rate of economic output shows the results of past economic activity while corporate profitability reflects the effectiveness of corporations. Taken together, these economic indicators help us determine where we’re going and where we are. In this course, we’ll learn about economic indicators that cover the central banking system, the government bond system, fiscal budgets, economic growth calculations and the importance of corporate profitability. Some of the indicators include the money supply, yield curve, gross domestic product and corporate profits.

Business and Consumer Activity and Confidence (US)

Measuring the activity and the sentiments of consumers and businesses is integral for investors. Consumer and business strength and sentiment are important coincident and leading indicators of economic activity that correlate strongly with corporate earnings and revenue growth. The well-being of economies and markets directly depends on the actions and feelings of consumers and businesses. This course covers indicators that provide insight into economic activity and confidence like confidence, sales, incomes, production, and more.

Construction and Real Estate (US)

Investors carefully watch real estate indicators, because the sector is labor intensive, interest rate sensitive and it requires significant capital and the coordination of many moving parts of the economy. The health of the many contributors to the real estate sector is likely a reflection of overall economic health. In this course, we'll explore many different indicators that track the real estate market and its many different aspects such as mortgage rate, mortgage applications, spending, prices, shovels in the ground, permitting and more.

Employment and the Labor Market (US)
Level Beginner

Employment and the Labor Market (US)

Labor market indicators are important for investors because they’re helpful in determining the incomes of consumers and corporations’ hiring appetites. Labor market strength drives consumer spending, productivity, and business investment, signaling potential levels of corporate revenue and earnings growth. The robustness of an economy is closely linked to its labor markets, the ease or difficulty in attaining work and the number of people working in it. This course explores a variety of labor market indicators that shed light on the composition of human work like participation, unemployment, employment and wages.

Economic Indicators (Canada)
Level Beginner

Economic Indicators (Canada)

A wide variety of economic indicators are used to measure everything from job growth to construction activity, retail activity and much more. Key economic indicators have a direct impact on the markets. The information economic indicators provide can help investors make informed decisions about their investments. Some indicators include building permits, purchasing managers’ index for manufacturing and employment.

Economic Indicators (European Union)
Level Beginner

Economic Indicators (European Union)

A wide variety of economic indicators are used to measure everything from economic growth to changes in prices to unemployment and much more. Key economic indicators have a direct impact on the markets. The information economic indicators provide can help investors make informed decisions about their investments. Some indicators include Gross Domestic Product, Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, Retail Trade, Unemployment Rate, etc.

Economic Indicators (United Kingdom)
Level Beginner

Economic Indicators (United Kingdom)

A wide variety of UK economic indicators are used to measure everything from economic growth to changes in prices to unemployment and much more. Key economic indicators have a direct impact on the markets. The information economic indicators provide can help investors make informed decisions about their investments. Some indicators include Consumer and Business Confidence, Housing Starts, Retail Sales, etc.

Economic Indicators (Australia)
Level Beginner

Economic Indicators (Australia)

A wide variety of economic indicators for Australia are used to measure everything from economic growth to changes in prices to unemployment and much more. Key economic indicators have a direct impact on the markets. The information economic indicators provide can help investors make informed decisions about their investments. Some indicators include Consumer and Business Confidence, Housing Starts, Retail Sales, etc.

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