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Advanced Level

Finance Courses

Securities Lending and Borrowing
Level Advanced

Securities Lending and Borrowing

This course is aimed at helping investors wanting to take a short position in stocks understand what to do and where to find key information in Trader Workstation. We explain the short selling cycle and how investors can easily find out stock loan availability in the platform.

TWS Advanced Trading Tools
Level Advanced

TWS Advanced Trading Tools

This Traders’ Academy course will review the different advanced trading tools located in Trader Workstation. Each lesson addresses a different tool that can be used depending on the investors’ trading style and objectives.

Introduction to the Interactive Brokers’ Alternative Trading System (ATS)
Level Advanced

Introduction to the Interactive Brokers’ Alternative Trading System (ATS)

Interactive Brokers' clients can direct U.S stock orders on the IBKR Alternative Trading System (ATS) where they will have the opportunity to interact with IBKR SmartRouted order flow. In this course learn how to access the IBKR ATS as well as use the various order types available.

Introduction to the Interactive Brokers’ IBUSOPT Order Destination
Level Advanced

Introduction to the Interactive Brokers’ IBUSOPT Order Destination

Interactive Brokers’ clients can direct U.S. option orders on the IBUSOPT order destination where they will have the opportunity to interact with IBKR SmartRouted order flow. In this course learn how to access the Interactive Brokers’ IBUSOPT as well as use the various order types available.

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