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EmployeeTrack Data Feed Integration Guide

Getting Started

This guide provides information for Compliance Officers with EmployeeTrack accounts requesting a data feed from the IBKR generic reporting interface for purposes of integrating that data with third-party software. We provide, on request, reporting data for accounts, positions, trades and securities, each in a separate file.

The information in this guide pertains to new data feeds NOT listed on the Third-Party Integration page of our website, and to IB in-house data feeds.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Data Feed Integration Process

Integrating your IB data with third-party software includes the following steps:

  1. Request a data feed from Interactive Brokers by sending an email to Include any configuration options with your request.
  2. Interactive Brokers prepares the requested files.
  3. The data files are transmitted via FTP/sFTP plus PGP encryption. See Transmitting Files for detailed instructions.
  4. You integrate the reporting data files with third-party software.

File Types

You can choose to receive any of the following types of data files:

  • Accounts – Contains general account information, including Account ID, Title, etc.
  • Positions – Contains positions (including cash) as of the report date.
  • Transactions – Contains all trade activity.
  • Securities – Contains detailed security information for all assets traded or held.

See File Layouts for detailed descriptions of the contents of each type of file.

Requesting a Data Feed

To request an EmployeeTrack data feed from Interactive Brokers, you send an email to Your emailed request must contain the following information:

  • Include the text “I would like to integrate my Interactive Brokers EmployeeTrack data with _______.” Fill in the blank with the name of the software vendor.
  • The software vendor’s contact information.
  • Your Interactive Brokers Account ID.
  • The file types you are requesting.
  • Delivery information: Tell us how you want the files delivered. IB can host the files on its FTP/sFTP site, can upload them to your FTP/sFTP site, or can make them available for download. Include your PGP Public Key (required). See Transmitting Files for detailed instructions.
  • Selected options. See Configuring Data Files for detailed instructions.

Note that the date of the reporting data is always the last business day. Typically there is no data available for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

File Naming Convention

All reporting data files are text files (*.txt). Regardless of the type of reporting file you choose to receive, the file name follows this convention:



  • <CompanyAbbreviatedName> was set up during your EmployeeTrack account application process.
  • <FileType> is the type of file: Accounts, Positions, Transactions or Securities.
  • <AsOfDate:yyyyMMdd> is the “as of” reporting date, in the format yyyymmdd. This is always the last business day.

File Format: .txt or .csv





This example uses a Company Abbreviated Name of ABC, Accounts as the file type (ACCT), and a reporting date of May 5, 2022 (20220505).

Configuring Data Files

When you request EmployeeTrack data, you can configure the features listed below. You must include your configuration options in your request email so that we can create the files correctly.

  • File Type: You can choose one or more of these file types: Accounts, Positions, Transactions or Securities.
  • Field Delimiter: Specify pipe or comma. If a data field contains a delimiter character, the data will be wrapped in double quotes. This option is required.
  • Date Format: Indicates how dates will appear in the report data. The default date format is mm/dd/yyyy but you can specify whatever date format you prefer. For example, you could request that the date format be yyyymmdd.
  • Include Column Headers and Header/Trailer Records: Specify whether or not you want column headers and header/trailer records included in the report data files. If requested, they will be included in ALL reporting file types
  • Use PGP Encryption: Required. You must provide us with your Public Key.
  • Cash Balances – Specify whether or not to include cash balances. This option only applies to position files.

You do not have to request all of the above configuration options. The default value will be used for any configuration option you do not request.

Use line feed (LF) as the end-of-line character.

Transmitting Files

Data files can be delivered via FTP/sFTP hosted by Interactive Brokers or FTP/sFTP hosted by the third party software.

If you choose FTP/sFTP, either IB- or third party-hosted:

  • IB or third-party will provide FTP host name, username, password, and directory.

PGP encryption is required when using a plain FTP or sFTP. Provide us with your PGP Public Key in your request email.

File Layouts

This chapter describes the layout of each data file. The following topics are included:

The Version column in the file layout tables indicates the version number when a field first appeared.

Accounts File Layout

Header Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)Value will be “H”
File TypeAlphanumeric Accounts
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric ACCT
Run DateAlphanumeric Date format is configurable
Run TimeAlphanumeric HH:MM:DD in 24 hour format System Clock Time
As of DateAlphanumeric Data On Record As-Of Date (date format is configurable)
VersionNumeric Version of the file layout used.

Accounts Record

ColumnTypeVersionColumn HeaderComments
Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)CValue will be “D” for data
Account IDAlphanumeric1.0AccountIDAccount number
BrokerAlphanumeric1.0BrokerBroker Name.
Employee Reference IDAlphanumeric1.0EmployeeReferenceIDOptional field internal ID populated by Compliance Officer
Account TitleAlphanumeric1.0AccountTitleFull account title
Account TypeAlphanumeric1.0AccountTypeAccount Type
CommentsEmpty1.0CommentsField will be empty
StreetAlphanumeric1.3StreetStreet address
Street2Alphanumeric1.3Street2Additional street address
Postal CodeAlphanumeric1.3PostalCodePostal code
DateOpenedAlphanumeric1.3DateOpenedDate account was opened – MM/DD/YYYY
DateFundedAlphanumeric1.8DateFundedDate account was funded- MM/DD/YYYY
Employee RelationshipAlphanumeric1.3EmployeeRelationship 
Customer TypeAlphanumeric1.3CustomerType 
Date LinkedAlphanumeric1.3DateLinkedMM/DD/YYYY
CryptoAlphanumeric1.8CryptoValues will be T or F

Trailer Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacter1.5 (if footer is enabled)Value will be “T”
File TypeAlphanumeric Accounts
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric ACCT
Data Record CountNumeric The number of records between header and trailer.

Transaction File Layout

Header Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)Value will be “H”
File TypeAlphanumeric Transactions
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric CONF
Run DateAlphanumeric Date format is configurable
Run TimeAlphanumeric HH:MM:DD in 24 hour format System Clock Time
As of DateAlphanumeric Data On Record As-Of Date (date format is configurable)
VersionNumeric Version of the file layout used.

Transaction Record

ColumnTypeVersionColumn HeaderComments
Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)CValue will be “D” for data
Account IDAlphanumeric1.0AccountIDAccount number
BrokerAlphanumeric1.0BrokerBroker Name. For example, INTERACTIVE BROKERS
Asset TypeAlphanumeric1.0AssetTypeFor more information, see Asset Types
CurrencyAlphanumeric1.0CurrencyThe currency of the asset
SymbolAlphanumeric1.0SymbolThe ticker symbol of the security
Security DescriptionAlphanumeric1.0SecurityDescriptionDescription of the security
CUSIPAlphanumeric1.0CUSIPWill populate only for US securities
ISINAlphanumeric1.0ISINWill populate only for non-US securities
Transaction TypeNumeric1.0TransactionTypeBuy,Sell, BuyToCover, ShortSell, Dividend Reinvestment (DR), CORP
ExchangeNumeric1.0ExchangeExchange that the trade executed on
Trade DateAlphanumeric1.0TradeDateMM/DD/YY YY (In time zone setup in account settings (DB))
Trade TimeAlphanumeric1.0TradeTimeHH:MM:SS in 24 hour format System (In time zone setup in account settings (DB))
– Option to include TimeZone (If yes, field will include: HH:mm:ss TimeZone)
Order TimeAlphanumeric1.8OrderTimeMM/DD/YY;HH:mm:ss
Settle DateAlphanumeric1.0SettleDateMM/DD/YY YY
QuantityNumeric1.0QuantityQuantity of the trade.
Note the following regarding sign:
If buy 100: 100
If sell 100: -100
If cancel buy: -100
If cancel sell: 100
Trade PriceNumeric1.0TradePriceUnit price of the security
Gross AmountAlphanumeric1.8Gross AmountQuantity*Price*Multiplier
CommissionNumeric1.0CommissionNegative amount indicates commission charged.
Positive amount indicates commission rebate.
For Forex trades, the commission is reported in base currency.
Other FeesNumeric1.0OtherFeesTax, if applicable
Net AmountNumeric1.0NetAmountTotal cash received or delivered.
Cancel FlagAlphanumeric1.0CancelFlagY if the trade has been canceled;
N if the trade has not been canceled
Correct FlagAlphanumeric1.0CorrectFlagY if the trade has been changed;
N if the trade has not been changed
Note: Limited to 1.0-1.71
FlagAlphanumeric1.8FlagWill populate for Corporate Actions
Trade IDAlphanumeric1.0TradeID 
Related Trade IDAlphanumeric1.0RelatedTradeIDOriginal TradeID for canceled or corrected trade
Order IDNumeric1.3OrderID 
Related Order IDNumeric1.3RelatedOrderIDOriginal Order ID
Report DateAlphanumeric1.0ReportDateMM/DD/YYYY
CommentsAlphanumeric1.0CommentsExercised, Expired, Assigned, or Gross EA
BBG TickerAlphanumeric1.2BBGTickerBloomberg ticker
BBG Ticker and Exchange CodeAlphanumeric1.2BBGTickerAnd
Bloomberg ticker + exchange code
Bloomberg Global IDAlphanumeric1.4BloombergGlobalIDBloomberg Global ID
BBG Unique IDAlphanumeric1.7BBGUniqueID 
Underlying BBG Unique IDAlphanumeric1.7UnderlyingBBGUniqueID 
BB Exchange CodeAlphanumeric1.7BBExchangeCode 
Underlying SymbolAlphanumeric1.2UnderlyingSymbol 
Underlying Security IDAlphanumeric1.6UnderlyingSecurityID 
Order TypeAlphanumeric1.8OrderType
Action IDAlphanumeric1.8ActionID

Trailer Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacter1.5 (if footer is enabled)Value will be “T”
File TypeAlphanumeric Accounts
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric ACCT
Data Record CountNumeric The number of records between header and trailer.

Positions File Layout

Header Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)Value will be “H”
File TypeAlphanumeric Positions
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric POS
Run DateAlphanumeric Date format is configurable
Run TimeAlphanumeric HH:MM:DD in 24 hour format System Clock Time
As of DateAlphanumeric Data On Record As-Of Date (date format is configurable)
VersionNumeric Version of the file layout used.

Positions Record

ColumnTypeVersionColumn HeaderComments
Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)CValue will be “D” for data
Account IDAlphanumeric1.0AccountIDAccount number
BrokerAlphanumeric1.0BrokerBroker Name. For example, INTERACTIVE BROKERS
Asset TypeAlphanumeric1.0AssetTypeFor more information, see Asset Types
CurrencyAlphanumeric1.0CurrencyThe currency of the asset
SymbolAlphanumeric1.0SymbolThe ticker symbol of the security
Security DescriptionEmpty1.0SecurityDescriptionDescription of the security
CUSIPAlphanumeric1.0CUSIPWill populate only for US securities
ISINAlphanumeric1.0ISINWill populate only for non-US securities
QuantityNumeric1.0QuantityPositive quantity indicates a long position;
Negative quantity indicates a short position
Market PriceNumeric1.0MarketPriceCurrent market price in local currency
Market ValueNumeric1.0MarketValueCurrent market value in local currency
Report DateAlphanumeric1.0ReportDateMM/DD/YYYY
CommentsEmpty1.0CommentsField will be empty
BBG TickerAlphanumeric1.2BBGTickerBloomberg ticker
BBG Ticker and Exchange CodeAlphanumeric1.2BBGTickerAnd
Bloomberg ticker + exchange code
Bloomberg Global IDAlphanumeric1.4BloombergGlobalIDBloomberg Global ID
BBG Unique IDAlphanumeric1.7BBGUniqueID 
Underlying BBG Unique IDAlphanumeric1.7UnderlyingBBGUniqueID 
BB Exchange CodeAlphanumeric1.7BBExchangeCode 
Underlying SymbolAlphanumeric1.2UnderlyingSymbol 
Underlying Security IDAlphanumeric1.6UnderlyingSecurityID 

Trailer Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacter1.5 (if footer is enabled)Value will be “T”
File TypeAlphanumeric Accounts
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric ACCT
Data Record CountNumeric The number of records between header and trailer.

Securities File Layout

Header Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)Value will be “H”
File TypeAlphanumeric Securities
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric SEC
Run DateAlphanumeric Date format is configurable
Run TimeAlphanumeric HH:MM:DD in 24 hour format System Clock Time
As of DateAlphanumeric Data On Record As-Of Date (date format is configurable)
VersionNumeric Version of the file layout used.

Security Record

ColumnTypeVersionColumn HeaderComments
Line DiscriminatorCharacterAny (If header is enabled)CValue will be “D” for data
Internal Asset IDAlphanumeric1.0InternalAssetIDInternal unique identifier for all asset types
Asset TypeAlphanumeric1.0AssetTypeFor more information, see Asset Types
Security IDAlphanumeric1.0SecurityIDUS Security – CUSIP
Foreign security – ISIN
Only for applicable securities
SymbolAlphanumeric1.0SymbolThe ticker symbol of the security
BBG TickerAlphanumeric1.2BBGTickerBloomberg ticker
BBG Ticker and Exchange CodeAlphanumeric1.2BBGTickerAnd
Bloomberg ticker + exchange code
Bloomberg Global IDAlphanumeric1.4BloombergGlobalIDBloomberg Global ID
BBG Unique IDAlphanumeric1.7BBGUniqueID 
Underlying BBG Unique IDAlphanumeric1.7UnderlyingBBGUniqueID 
BB Exchange CodeAlphanumeric1.7BBExchangeCode 
DescriptionAlphanumeric1.0SecurityDescriptionDescription of the security
Underlying SymbolAlphanumeric1.2UnderlyingSymbol 
Expiration DateAlphanumeric1.0ExpirationDate 
Option TypeAlphanumeric1.0OptionType 
Option StrikeAlphanumeric1.0OptionStrike 
Maturity DateAlphanumeric1.0MaturityDate 
Issue DateAlphanumeric1.0IssueDate 
Underlying Security IDAlphanumeric1.6UnderlyingSecurityID 
Sub CategoryAlphanumeric1.8SubCategory

Trailer Record

Line DiscriminatorCharacter1.5 (if footer is enabled)Value will be “T”
File TypeAlphanumeric Accounts
File Type AbbreviationAlphanumeric ACCT
Data Record CountNumeric The number of records between header and trailer.

Asset Types

The following table lists all of the asset types referenced in the Positions, Transactions and Securities file layouts.

BILL1.0Treasury Bills
BOND1.0Bonds (includes corporate and municipal)
FOP1.0Future Options
FSFOP1.0Options on Futures (Futures Style)
FSOPT1.0Options (Futures Style)
FUND1.0Mutual Funds
FXCFD1.0Contract for Difference on forex
IOPT1.0Structured Products
OPT1.0Equity and Index Options
STK1.0Stocks (includes ADR, ETF)

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