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Interactive Brokers is merging our web-based API products into a single, comprehensive IBKR Web API, bringing the features of the Client Portal Web API, Digital Account Management, and the Flex Web Service together in a unified interface, accessible by a shared means of authorization and authentication: OAuth 2.0.

Existing endpoints and authentication schemes are not deprecated and will continue to receive features and updates. Rather, we look forward to providing our clients with a new, coordinated set of endpoints exposing the same backend resources. To support this orchestration, the documentation below addresses the functionality of the Client Portal Web API, Digital Account Management, and the Flex Web Service side by side under the Web API umbrella.

We organize this unified Web API and its documentation into two broad feature sets:

  • Account Management: This feature set delivers the functionality of our legacy Digital Account Management and Flex Web Services APIs, including new account creation, funding, and report generation.

  • Trading: This feature set encompasses the functionality of our Client Portal Web API, including trading, retrieval of live market data, and portfolio monitoring.

Additionally, we have expanded our development resources into two areas:

  • Documentation: Long-form, workflow-oriented material located in this section.

  • Reference: Per-endpoint API definitions, presented in a Swagger interface generated from an underlying OpenAPI spec.

Getting Started

Much of the Web API's Trading functionality is offered to our clients without any approval process, and the available features are determined primarily by the capabilities of a client's username and account(s).

However, many Account Management features are only suitable for clients with certain institutional account structures, and the specifics of their usage will vary according to many factors, such as the Interactive Brokers business entity that carries the client's account structure, or the type of accounts within that structure.

Consequently, the majority of the Web API's Account Management functionality is not immediately available for client use without a review and approval by Interactive Brokers. We encourage our institutional clients to contact their Sales Representative for an introduction to this process and the considerations involved.

Additionally, we continue to offer several other methods of authentication in addition to OAuth 2.0, which can be used to access the Web API's Trading features specifically. Some of these authentication methods also require their own approval process and are designed to serve particular product offerings and development objectives. Our API Integration team can assist with choosing the right authentication technology for your project.

Please find more detailed descriptions of how to get started with both the Account Management and Trading APIs in their respective documentation sections.


Have feedback on our Web API documentation or reference material?

Email us at

We value your suggestions, ideas, and feedback in order to continuously improve our API solutions.

This is an automated feedback inbox and unfortunately, we will not be actively responding from this email. However, if you need a specific answer or additional support, please contact our API Support team or access our general support. Current or prospective institutional clients may also contact their sales representative.

View our Web API Trading or Account Management documentation.

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