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Monetary Measures, Economic Output and Corporate Profits (US)

Trading Course

Level Beginner

The amount of money and credit in economies, the growth of economies and the profitability of companies are important indicators of economic health. Money and credit help to drive economic activity. The rate of economic output shows the results of past economic activity while corporate profitability reflects the effectiveness of corporations. Taken together, these economic indicators help us determine where we’re going and where we are. In this course, we’ll learn about economic indicators that cover the central banking system, the government bond system, fiscal budgets, economic growth calculations and the importance of corporate profitability. Some of the indicators include the money supply, yield curve, gross domestic product and corporate profits.

The Money Supply lesson discusses how M2 is calculated, where to find it, how it’s influenced and how it influences financial markets and the economy. It specifically covers some of the most popular tools used by global central banks and governments to influence the supply of money. In addition, the course covers the money supply rise in the United States and the subsequent inflationary episode in 2021.

The Yield Curve lesson discusses where to find it, how to forecast it, how it’s influenced, and how it influences financial markets and the economy. The yield curve inversion is a powerful indicator that preceded the last six out of six recessions.

The Corporate Earnings lesson discusses where to find it, how to forecast it, how it’s influenced, and how it influences financial markets and the economy. Earnings season can provide market participants with positive sentiment when there’s fantastic news, negative sentiment when there’s adverse news, or indifference when results are in-line with expectations. Corporate earnings are an important measure of corporate financial health and therefore, a measure of economic health as well.

The GDP lesson discusses where to find it, how to forecast it, how it’s influenced, and how it influences financial markets and the economy. GDP is the foundation of financial markets globally. Fast economic growth will likely lead to fast financial asset growth. Financial asset values won’t sustainably grow if GDP is declining.

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