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Create, View, and Modify Orders in Charts

Lesson 10 of 13

Duration 2:06
Level Beginner
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Users can create, view, and modify orders directly from within the Advanced Chart display.       

From the Quote page open a chart.      

Move the mouse along the Y axis to the far right but just inside the chart window. The on-screen message will display “Place Order” along with a plus sign.           

With the mouse hovered at the price point at which an order is to be created, user clicks the plus sign, and then selects Buy or Sell.        

The Rapid Order Entry ticket opens to the right with the desired order at the selected price point.          

As with any order, user can modify order parameters as needed before transmitting.     

Once you submit the order, you can see the order on the chart. It shows as a horizontal line, red for sell and blue for buy.           

All orders for a specific underlying are displayed in the chart, whether created using the chart or by the order ticket. Likewise, orders created in the chart window are displayed in the “Orders and Trades” Tab in the Portfolio Section.   

Orders may also be modified in the chart. User should hold the mouse over the order description, then click and drag to the new desired price point.     

The original order is canceled and the new order is transmitted instantaneously, meaning that the Order Preview instantly updates, and the user does not have a chance to make any other changes before the order is sent.        

To cancel an order from the chart, user clicks the “X” icon to the right of the quantity displayed in the chart order. Once an order is cancelled it is removed from the chart.


IBKR Desktop User Guide

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36 thoughts on “Create, View, and Modify Orders in Charts”

  • Ernesto M

    If I take a buy or sell position… the graph does not show me in shading where the position is in profit, as the previous platform does… what should I configure?

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello Ernesto, we appreciate your question. This feature is in the pipeline and will be released shortly!

  • Nick

    Hello, Order has passed, im trying to move on the chart my TP a bit lower im able to move the line but it will return to its original TP. Is their a button or option that i have to select to activate the functionality to move order line on the chart?

  • JH

    In IBKR Desktop charts, my chart is not showing the the open order or take profit or stop loss lines on the chart when I have an order running. Is there a setting I’m missing? I have right-clicked the chart to get to chart settings, in the trading I have the appearance Positions and Orders both selected as blue boxes with with check marks.

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. We could not replicate this issue. We encourage you to submit this feedback in IBKR Desktop (speech bubble with thumbs up icon). Additionally, you can keep up to date on our new releases with the IBKR Desktop release notes:

  • Timur Alim

    Hi, if i want to add stop to my position how to to do it?

  • Anonymous

    How can I remove this line from the view without cancelling order?

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for asking. In IBKR Desktop, find Chart Settings and click Trading. Underneath Appearance, you should have the ability to select/ deselect Orders. This will allow you to remove the line without canceling the order.

      We hope this helps!

      • Anonymous

        Hi, I cannot find `Trading’ in Chart Settings. I want to hide the display of open positions on my chart.

        • Interactive Brokers

          Thank you for reaching out. Yes, you can disable showing live orders on your chart through the Global Chart Configuration. From the chart, click the Edit menu option followed by Global Chart Configuration. Scroll down to the Order Display section. Depending on your preference, uncheck the box that says “Show live orders” under the sections “For orders created from ChartTrader” and “For all other orders”. Click Apply and OK once finished.

          We hope this helps!

  • Tom

    1. Where’s Book Order on the Desktop Platform? 2. I want to go from Portfolio back to chart page. Currently, I have to click on Watchlist/ symbol/ charts.

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. At this time, Level 2 Market Data is not available on IBKR Desktop. To view Level 2 market data in Interactive Brokers platforms:
      Subscribe to a Level 2 market data package through Client Portal. Options include NYSE OpenBook, NYSE ArcaBook, NASDAQ TotalView-OpenView, NASDAQ BX TotalView, and Cboe BZX Depth of Book for US stocks.
      In TWS, open the BookTrader, Market Depth, or Market Depth Trader window.
      In IBKR Mobile, open the BookTrader from the Watchlist by tapping an instrument twice and then tapping Book.
      Level 2 shows the full depth of the order book with bid and ask prices and quantities, while Level 1 only shows the best bid and ask. Please view this FAQ for more information:

      You can return back to the charts in IBKR Desktop by clicking “Quote”.

      If you have specific suggestions and feedback, please submit it directly in IBKR Desktop (speech bubble with thumbs up icon).

      We hope this helps!

  • Anonymous

    i’ve tried to cancel an order, pressing X removed the line from the chart and cancel message pops up but in the orders screen the order still active (in the web portal it appears as well). bug ? makes this platform unreliable and hence unusable.

    • Interactive Brokers

      Thank you for commenting. Please submit a web ticket if this occurs again while you’re using IBKR Desktop, so our team can take a closer look:

  • Anonymous

    when i placed an order and forgot to add stopp loss. How can i do it later?

    • Interactive Brokers

      Thank you for asking. In all platforms, you cannot technically attach children orders to an order once it is filled. In TWS, there is a quick way to add an attached order once submitted by clicking the little dropdown. We do not have this shortcut yet in IBKR Desktop; however you can right click > Modify > Add attached order from the full order ticket. We hope this is helpful!

  • Anonymous

    Hi, I would like to work out how to place trailing stop orders on the desktop app. I cannot find any information on that, can you help please?

    • Interactive Brokers

      Thank you for commenting. At this time, you can attach stop loss and/or profit taker orders to your primary order. To attach orders, click Buy or Sell and expand the “Attached” section below the order parameters. We will work to bring more features and order types to IBKR Desktop in the future!

  • Darren

    There is serious lag on the Advanced charts, just like there is on the mirrored Tradingview charts. Sometimes the price doesn’t update for seconds. If you put the classic chart and the advanced chart side by side with the booktrader, you can see this easily. Any plans to fix this lag with Tradingview?

    • Interactive Brokers

      We’re sorry to hear about the connection issues you experienced. Disconnects can occur if you’re running IBKR’s application at the same time. You can also check our systems’ status here at any time:

      Please contact us at if this occurs in the future.

  • Chart is gone

    In the window holdings when we open one position normally a chart is shown but probably I’ve made one wrong manipulation and the chart is gone. How can I reset it???
    Replacing the chart, shows the following sentence:

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. Some exchanges allow delayed data to be displayed without any market data subscription, free of charge. Customers receive free delayed market data (usually 10-20 minutes behind real-time quotes) for contracts to which they do not currently hold market data subscriptions when made available by the exchanges. To view other market data, please subscribe to the necessary market data subscriptions:

      Please view this FAQ for instructions to subscribe to Market data in your live account:

      You can also use the Market Data Assistant to help find the best subscriptions for your needs:

      We hope this information is helpful!

  • Anonymous

    Hello, may I know how to display trades on the chart? For example, I buy some stocks and then sell them, how can I display the buying and selling points?

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for asking. To display trades on a chart in IBKR platforms:

      Open the chart for the instrument you want to see trades for.
      Click on the Edit menu and select Chart Parameters.
      In the Chart Parameters window, click on the drop-down menu next to “What to show” and select Trades.
      This will display your trades as markers on the chart. Buys will be displayed as green arrows pointing up and sells as red arrows pointing down. We hope this answers your question!

  • Jesus L.

    No entiendo para quĂ© sirve el elemento de dibujo de “posiciĂłn larga”.
    Se pueden enviar ordenes de compra y venta combinadas?
    Se pueden ajustar sus límites o simepre están fijo?
    Incluso narcando fuera del precio marca lĂ­mites.
    Pueden aclarame esto?

    • Interactive Brokers

      Gracias por comunicarse con nosotros. Los lĂ­mites se pueden ajustar en orden arrastrando la lĂ­nea en el gráfico. Si tiene alguna pregunta adicional, abra un ticket web en el Portal del cliente (haga clic en “ÂżAyuda?” en el menĂş superior derecho y luego en “Centro de mensajes seguros”). La mejor categorĂ­a es “Problemas comerciales”.

  • Anonymous

    Greetings, I do not see a “Rapid Order Entry ticket”. I see a plus button, when I click it a panel below opens with a big “Buy XYZ” and “Sell XYZ”. I click on one of them and nothing happens that I can see. Where’s the Order ?

    • Interactive Brokers

      Thank you for asking. You will see the Rapid Order Entry ticket after right-clicking the security.  You can see the full order entry ticket by clicking “Advanced” in the lower left-hand corner. We hope this answers your question!

  • Anonymous

    I placed an option order 2 days ago. It did not get filled as of yesterday. It disappeared completely from my trade list today. What happened? I cannot trace any record of it, and neither can I check whether a commission was taken for simply putting the order even if it was not filled.

  • Anonymous

    Is there anyway to place a Trailstop on an order? I can’t find it anywhere. Thank you

  • Chris

    The question above about a trailing stop wasn’t answered satisfactorily. “Advanced” gives access to “Attached orders”, which gives the option to specify simple (fixed) stop loss triggers. However, these are not trailing stops.

  • Anonymous

    Can we do short selling using IBKR Desktop. How? Thanks

    • Interactive Brokers

      Yes, IBKR Desktop offers short selling. This is possible by clicking “sell” in a margin account. Please review this course.

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