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Using Hotkeys

Lesson 8 of 13

Duration 3:33
Level Beginner
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Hotkeys are key stroke or mouse click combinations that can help users simplify common actions in IBKR Desktop, such as creating a buy limit order or deleting a row. Hotkey constructs might look like “control plus B” or “double click” for example.

To see and create hotkeys, open Settings and select Hotkeys. IBKR Desktop provides two categories of Hotkeys: Platform Controls and Order Entry.

Platform Controls provide keyboard shortcuts for actions like copy, paste, delete, add a row above or below, minimize or maximize window and even Show Contract Description.

For example, the user might want to quickly display the Contract Description for a company. Using the keyboard command “Control + D” when clicked on that instrument row, the user generates the Contract Description.

Order Entry shortcuts currently allow users to create buy and sell limit and market orders.

For example, I can use “Control + B” to create a buy limit order. I’ll select an instrument and try this hotkey. Watch the order as it’s created in the right-side price panel. Additionally, users can create custom hotkeys to increase the number of order entry shortcuts.

In this example the user will create a mouse click hotkey to quickly create a Buy Midprice order with a default quantity of 300 shares.

Again, access hotkeys from Settings and select Hotkeys.

The user selects the Order Entry tab and clicks New Custom Hotkey to create this new mouse click hotkey.

The setup requires the user to enter basic information into the following series of fields. The user starts by assigning a unique name to the instruction. Once the hotkey is created, the user will see this name when hovering over the area set for the hotkey.

For the type user selects mouse click and then “double left click.” User sets the location to the ask price.

Leaving the action as buy, user sets the order type to MidPrice and selects the Bid/Ask midpoint as the default price.

Next, the user may define the share quantity and in this case selects 300, and determines the time in force to GTC. The hotkey is saved simply by closing the dialog box.

When the user hovers the mouse over the “ask” price, notice the available hotkey commands. And by double clicking the user creates the order over in the right-side price panel.

Users can always make order modifications should they be required before submitting the order.

Remember, hotkeys are there to make your trading experience faster. We hope you find using and creating hotkeys helpful.


IBKR Desktop User Guide

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7 thoughts on “Using Hotkeys”

  • Ezekiel

    Hello, is there a possibility for a hotkey which can automatically attached bracket orders with certain amount of defined preset? for example like the stop loss is 1% risk and the “take profit” is based on Risk/Reward ratio of maybe 2. Those are just for examples. Thank you.

  • Rachel

    In TWS we could set hotkeys for instant transmit. Now the rapid screen, then the confirmation screen needs to be clicked. Is there a way to instantly transmit the order using a hot key.

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. This is currently not available. However, it is on our roadmap. In the future, if you have a specific suggestion(s) on how we can improve, we would like to hear it! Please review this FAQ on where you can leave your feedback:

      We hope this helps!

  • Ahmed Elshentenawy

    I was wondering if there is hot key for selling portion of current position?? I don’t see this in chart trading options.

    I was using reverse position hotkey and it worked for couple of days to execute the order immediete, however, now it doesn’t. Everytime I use it I get a notification that the instrument is not available for shorting!! Well am selling part of an open position so I really shouldn’t be getting this pop up!!!

    Can you pls let me know how to execute scalling out instantly, without getting many popup msgs?!!

  • Anonymous

    podria indicarnos la secuencia en el procedimiento para la compra de opciones por intermedio de los calls o put. ( por donde se inicia y donde finaliza ).

    • Interactive Brokers

      Gracias por contactarnos. Ya sea que sea nuevo en opciones o quiera repasar algunos conceptos básicos sobre riesgos, o esté aprendiendo TWS y quiera saber cómo ubicar campos y datos de opciones, nuestro curso Introducción a las opciones es un excelente primer paso. No dude en consultar la clase. Podría ser un gran recurso para usted.

      ¡Esperamos que esto le resulte útil!

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