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MultiSort Market Screeners

Lesson 12 of 13

Duration 3:27
Level Beginner
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Use our MultiSort Screener to easily find stocks that match your strategies across a universe of over 70,000 stocks worldwide. Unlike traditional screeners, Multisort blends user-specified factors and associated conditions into a single score to present a “ranked” list of securities that best match the user’s criteria. 

Any strategies developed using the Market Screeners are done so by the user and are not recommendations by Interactive Brokers. By using the software, the user drives the investment strategy and the role of the software is to match the user with companies that match the chosen criteria.       

Click the Screeners icon in the left navigation panel. Start by defining a stock universe along the top of the screener. Note that only a single stock universe may be selected at a time.   

Now click MultiSort to see the factor categories. Expand categories to detail up to 10 factors.      

Choose up to 10 screener factors. For each chosen factor the user has the option to specify whether a lower value or higher value is desired. For example, when selecting the Dividend Amount factor, the user might specify higher values are preferred. 

Once higher or lower values are specified, the Importance field is displayed. By default, all factors are considered “Important”, but a factor may be assigned more or less importance using the dropdown list.          

Use the FILTER icon in the factor box to display the histogram. Use the histogram to make a factor even more specific by defining a range. When using the sliders, the “From” and “To” range values update along with the number of companies that fall into the defined range.    

As factors are added and values modified along with importance, the screener results update automatically in the center panel.  

While the overall asset rankings use a blended score that considers all selected factors, their high/low value preferences, histogram ranges, and importance levels, each factor is also ranked individually. These individual rankings are easy to see via the Color Rank feature.            

Green illustrates higher rank and purple lower. It is easier to see at a glance how individual factors have contributed to the overall screener ranks.

For example, adding high dividends criteria within a specified range may help with overall ranking, but the results may have an asset ranked in the top 10 with the dividend amount ranked as less preferable. 

Feel free to continue to make changes to the screener and see it update automatically. When finished, users may select any instruments they wish to add to a Watchlist.        

Coming soon – the ability to save your Screeners.           

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12 thoughts on “MultiSort Market Screeners”

  • Benny

    Where can I find the bond screeners in the IBKR Desktop? Thank you very

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. At this time, the bond screeners are not available in IBKR Desktop. In the future, please submit specific suggestions and feedback directly in IBKR Desktop (speech bubble with thumbs-up icon).

  • Joachim

    The screener is not showing any results whatsoever on my IBKR Desktop (I’m in simulated trading mode). I have been using the software for two weeks now, and still haven’t been able to get any listed results (it’s blank before even filtering).

    • Interactive Brokers

      Thank you for taking the time to reach out, and please accept our apologies. We could not replicate the issue. If you are still experiencing issues, please reply to this message with additional details so we can investigate further. We would appreciate the opportunity to turn around your experience.

  • adam james

    i have the same experience, on a paper trading account and no screeners show up at all.

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. Please ensure that you are using the newest version of IBKR Desktop. This should resolve your issue. Please reach back out with any further questions. We hope this helps!

  • Miro

    Hi, why are some key ratios missing in the screener? (current ratio, depth to equity)

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. The MultiSort screener allows users to sort stocks based on up to 10 different factors. The available factors are predefined and do not include every possible ratio. Current ratio and debt to equity ratio are not included as sort factors in the MultiSort screener at this time. However, the payout ratio is an available factor to sort by. Please submit this feedback in IBKR Desktop (speech bubble with thumbs up icon) so it goes to the development team.

  • Clay

    Hello, I started the Free Trial (simulation) today and also am not able to get any results (or histograms) using MultSort or Standard screeners. Also, is there a way to get the Canadian TSX to show up in the Stock Universe, or would this only show up if I purchase the TSX real-time data feed? Thank you in advance,

  • Otto Alfred

    I’m looking for Aaverage daily range / Average True Range (ATR), to my market screener. Unfortunately did not managed to find it. Is it available on desktop app? Measures market volatility by calculating the average range between high and low prices over a specified period. Higher ATR values may indicate increased volatility and potential momentum opportunities. Thanks

    • Interactive Brokers

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. This is not available at this time. Please view this User Guide for instructions to modify the factors on the MultiSort Screener:

      In order for this feedback to reach the appropriate team, you can report this in IBKR Desktop by clicking the thumbs up icon in the left menu panel.

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The analysis in this material is provided for information only and is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security. To the extent that this material discusses general market activity, industry or sector trends or other broad-based economic or political conditions, it should not be construed as research or investment advice. To the extent that it includes references to specific securities, commodities, currencies, or other instruments, those references do not constitute a recommendation by IBKR to buy, sell or hold such investments. This material does not and is not intended to take into account the particular financial conditions, investment objectives or requirements of individual customers. Before acting on this material, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary, seek professional advice.

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