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Trading Course

Level Beginner

This course will discuss Retirement and explore issues of spending, income, Social Security and the new IBKR Retirement Planner. The Retirement Planner is a tool that may be used to gain a better understanding of your Retirement Outlook.

While the prospect of retirement may sound appealing to you, there are many factors to consider. And to be fair, you should be looking at possible retirement years, if not decades, in advance if you want to retire and maintain a similar lifestyle to that of your working years.

As you grow older, the proportion of what you spend on certain items is likely to change. You may have been paying off a mortgage, buying a retirement home or paying college tuition fees for your children. Let’s take a look at how spending habits might morph over time and consider some of those significant changes as you enter retirement.

Learn about the new Interactive Brokers Retirement tool that is part of PortfolioAnalyst which allows clients to include or exclude both Interactive Brokers’ accounts as well as external accounts held with other financial institutions.

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