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Reallocate for Advisors

Lesson 8 of 12

Duration 3:55
Level Intermediate
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In this video we will go over how to change the amount a Group invests in a Model as well as reallocating funds from the independent area to multiple Models.

We will use the Reallocation window to do both.

In order to access the Reallocation window, look for the Classic TWS tab at the bottom of the screen, left click on the tab to access the Classic TWS set up.

You can access your Portfolio tab at the top of the page. If you do not see it, locate the “+” sign to the right of the available tabs and click-right. Locate and select Portfolio Window to display it.

First, we will change the amount a Group invests in Model. At the top left of the page is the “Display Selector” drop down menu.  Access all your available Models, Groups and Accounts. Scroll through the list to the Group area until you see the Group you want to allocate to a Model is highlighted and left click on the mouse. For this video demonstration we are going to choose Group A and change the investment in Model A from 15% to 20%.

Now that we’ve selected the Group A, left click the “Reallocate” button on the top right side of the screen.

The Reallocate display screen will appear. On the left-hand side will be the list of Models created.

The reallocation feature allows you to choose either a target % or target amount.

Target % allows you to choose the percentage of available funds to allocate and target amount allows you to choose the dollar value of funds to allocate.

We are going to change the allocation from 15% to 20% of Group A’s cash in Model A.

Look for Model A in the display window, notice the value in the % of Market Value is approximately 15%.

Click the red “Create Reallocation Orders” button.

This button will automatically create the orders needed to reallocate cash from the group to invest into the Model.

Once the orders are created you can change the Order Type, Time in Force, Price, and Destination and take advantage of all the algorithms and order types Interactive Broker’s offers.

I will change the order type to Market and left click on the blue “Transmit All” button in the center to execute the orders.

We have now changed the allocation of Group A’s cash to Model A from 15% to 20%.

We will now reallocate funds to multiple models.

Go back to the Reallocation window and populate the drop-down box with Group B.

We will allocate 20% into Model A, 15% into Model B, and 10% into Model C.

Move your curser to the white and grey columns on the right-hand side labelled Target % and Target Amount.

In the Target % row next to Model A type in 20 and click return, enter 15 next to Model B, and enter 10 next to Model C.

Once the target percentages are set click the red Create Reallocation Orders button and adjust the orders as necessary before clicking Transmit All.

You have now successfully reallocated your cash to multiple Models.

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