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Introduction to TWS Global Configuration

Trading Course
Level Beginner

TWS Global Configuration allows for individual traders to customize the TWS display and various trading tools. It is accessible from both Mosaic and Classic TWS.

Hotkeys allow traders to assign commands to specific keys and key combinations to create shortcuts within Trader Workstation that are designed to rapidly create or transmit orders. Hotkeys can also be created for specific tools within TWS such as ChartTrader or OptionTrader.

Trader Workstation allows you to customize default presets for the order attributes you use most often to save time and speed up entering trades. Within Presets, you can also set Precautionary Settings which allow you to set custom order size limits to avoid potential mistakes when placing a trade that exceeds these size limits.

It is possible to trade many exchange-listed products outside of regular trading hours (RTH). Trader Workstation allows traders to enable trading outside of RTH by default or on a per order basis for all eligible products. Trading outside of RTH is available in both Mosaic and Classic TWS.

Trader Workstation allows traders to configure general order settings and for IBKR Pro clients to specify IBKR SmartRouting defaults to better suit your trading needs and preferences. These configurations are available in both Mosaic and Classic TWS.

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