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IBKR’s Client Portal API

Trading Course
Level Intermediate

Interactive Brokers offers the ability to trade, monitor and manage your IBKR account using a single RESTful API. This course will explore the API with code examples.

In this lesson, we will be discussing how contract information is requested from only knowing the contract’s symbol. Following this methodology, you will be able to make requests throughout the series for a variety of contracts using the contract ID. This will cover stock, future, options, and futures options discovery.

We will be discussing how to market data in the Client Portal API. Here, we will be specifically focusing on retrieving live market data snapshots, as well as historical market data using Python and the requests library.

We will discuss how to place a market, limit, and stop order in the Client Portal API. We will also be discussing how to confirm status messages in the event any precautions are triggered.

In this lesson, we will be discussing how to place more complex orders using the client portal API. This lesson will be largely predicated on our prior lesson, Placing Orders. We will be building on those fundamentals to discuss placing Bracket and Combo/Spread orders using the CPAPI.

In this lesson, we will be discussing various account management tools in the Client Portal API. We will be primarily focusing on the use of account summary, along with viewing an accounts total position, as well as how to review an individual contract’s position information.

This lesson will discuss market scanners in the client portal API. We will go into detail on requesting scanner parameters, how to review those parameter details, and then how to create a final market scanner request.

Lesson #10


In this lesson, we will focus on how to create a websocket for the client portal API. This will also describe how we can request market data and review live order information using this websocket.

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