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Take Notes: Orbisa on DJT Part 2

Take Notes: Orbisa on DJT Part 2

Posted May 10, 2024 at 10:00 am


Following our previous Take Notes on DJT, Orbisa takes a deeper dive as the financing rate for DJT in the securities lending market has again risen sharply as the stock’s price rallied from a significant slide in April. After falling to $22.55 on April 16, DJT has rebounded and is currently trading at $46.29. This positive momentum may have spurred further interest from short sellers who face a very limited supply from which to borrow. While shares have remained nearly 100% utilized in the lending market, the Orbisa Rate has spiked 227% since April 16 and currently sits at 62,060bps.

Orbisa on DJT Part 2

Originally Published May 8, 2024 – Orbisa on DJT Part 2

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