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Neural Network In Python: Types, Structure And Trading Strategies

Neural Network In Python: Types, Structure And Trading Strategies

Posted May 15, 2023 at 10:40 am

Chainika Thakar


Neural network studies were started in an effort to map the human brain and understand how humans make decisions but the algorithm tries to remove human emotions altogether from the trading aspect.

What we sometimes fail to realise is that the human brain is quite possibly the most complex machine in this world and has been known to be quite effective at coming to conclusions in record time.

Think about it, if we could harness the way our brain works and apply it in the machine learning domain (Neural networks are after all a subset of machine learning), we could possibly take a giant leap in terms of processing power and computing resources.

Before we dive deep into the nitty-gritty of neural networks for trading, we should understand the working of the principal component, i.e. the neuron and then move forward to the neural network and the applications of neural networks in trading.

This blog covers:

  • A general introduction to neuron
  • A neural network – An introduction
  • Types of neural networks
  • Perceptron
  • Feed forward neural networks
  • Multilayer perceptron
  • Convolutional neural network
  • Recurrent neural network
  • Modular neural network
  • How to train a neural network?
  • Gradient descent
  • Back propagation
  • Neural network in trading
  • Neural network strategy in Python

A general introduction to neuron

There are three components to a neuron, the dendrites, axon and the main body of the neuron. The dendrites are the receivers of the signal and the axon is the transmitter.

Structure of a Neuron

Alone, a neuron is not of much use, but when it is connected to other neurons, it does several complicated computations and helps operate the most complicated machine on our planet, the human body.

You can see in the image below how a group of neurons as inputs lead to an output signal.

A neural network – An introduction

The neural networks are replicated to work almost like our brain does. Hence, the input layer (it is how humans take inputs from the environment) consists of certain basic information to help arrive at the conclusion or the output.

The output can be to make a prediction, to find out objects of similar characteristics etc. The brain of a human being is filled with senses, such as hearing, touching, smelling, tasting, etc.

The neurons in our brain create complex parameters such as emotions and feelings, from these basic input parameters. And our emotions and feelings, make us act or make decisions which is basically the output of the neural network of our brains. Therefore, there are two layers of computations in this case before making a decision.

The first layer absorbs the senses as inputs and leads to emotions and feelings as the conclusion. Now, this first layer makes for the inputs of the next layer of computations, where the output is a decision or an action or the final result.

Hence, in the working of the human brain, there is one input layer, two hidden layers, and one output layer leading to a conclusion. The brain is much more complex than just the layers of information, but the general explanation of the computation process of the brain can be defined as such.

Types of neural networks

There are many types of neural networks available. They can be classified depending on a lot of factors. These factors are the data flow, neurons used, their depth and activation filters, the structure, the density of neurons, layers, etc.

Let us see the most common types of neural networks (also used in trading), and these are:

  • Perceptron
  • Feed forward neural networks
  • Multilayer perceptron
  • Convolutional neural network
  • Recurrent neural network
  • Modular neural network


Perceptron belongs to the supervised learning algorithm. As you can see in the image above, the data is split into two categories. Hence, perceptron is a binary classifier.

The Perceptron model is known to be the smallest unit of the neural network. Perceptron works to find out the features of the input data. The Perceptron model works with the weights as the inputs and also applies an activation function. This way the final result comes about.

Feed Forward neural networks

The feed-forward neural network is quite simple since its input data passes through the artificial neural nodes or input nodes and exits through the output nodes. This implies that the data travels in one direction and the information in depth is not available.

The feed forward neural network is a unidirectional forward propagation with no backpropagation. The weights are static in this type and the activation function has inputs that are multiplied by the weights. For the feed forward to work, a classifying activation function is used.

Let us understand the concept of forward feed with an example. For example,

  • Output of neuron is above threshold (0), i.e., is 1 – This implies that the neuron is activated
  • Output of neuron at the threshold (0) or is below threshold (-1) – This implies that the neuron is not activated

The best thing about the feed forward neural network is that it can deal with a lot of noise in the data.

Multilayer perceptron

A multilayer perceptron does what its name suggests. The input data, in the case of a multilayer perceptron, goes through a lot of layers of artificial neurons. Hence, the input and output layers consist of multiple layers with a lot of information regarding the input. Each node in this type is connected with the neurons in the next layer.

The multilayer perceptron is known to be the fully connected one. Also, this type has a bi-directional propagation, which implies forward propagation as well as backpropagation.

The multilayer perceptron works by multiplying the inputs with the weights and the result is given to the activation function. On the other hand, in backpropagation, the result is modified in order to reduce the losses.

Convolutional neural network

The convolutional neural network consists of a three-dimensional structure of neurons and not the two-dimensional one. It works in the following way:

  • The first layer is known as the convolutional layer.
  • Each neuron in the convolutional layer takes into consideration only a small part of the information in the data in order to include more details.
  • The input pointers are in a batch.
  • The neural network processes all the inputs in images.
  • Each image is learnt by a neural network in parts.
  • The operations are computed several times to complete the processing of the image.
  • The image is converted from a particular scale and then the image is classified into several categories.

In this type, the propagation is unidirectional and the neural network consists of one or more convolutional layers. The bidirectional version of this type makes the output of the convolutional layer go to a fully connected neural network. Also, the filters are used for extracting the parts of the image.

In this type, the inputs are multiplied with weights and used by the activation function.

Recurrent neural networks

Recurrent neural network or RNN is quite helpful in modelling sequenced data from the start to the end.

In this type of neural network, the first layer, as represented by the yellow coloured cells, is basically the feed-forward neural network. The second layer is the recurrent neural network layer where the information fed to it in the first layer is memorised. This is the forward propagation.

Now, the information is fed for use in the future and is corrected until the prediction made is as expected. This time the backpropagation occurs to make it to the correct information.

Modular neural network

In the case of the modular neural network, several neural networks work independently to perform small tasks leading to the main task. While the modular neural network works, the different networks do not interact at all. This increases efficiency as each network works towards the same goal.

Just like humans, when several neural networks work together with each working on a sub-task, the complex or large process is completed faster. The independent components ensure that each piece of information is provided in detail to lead to the final conclusion.

Originally posted on QuantInsti. Visit their blog for additional insights on this topic.

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