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Profit and Loss

Trading Term

  1. The gain and loss from transactions.
  2. As it pertains to Activity Statements, this is a selection available only when you create a Customized Activity Statement that allows you to choose your preferred method of calculating profit and loss across all transactions, positions and asset types. Note that your Profit and Loss selection overrides your section selection in a Customized Statement. You can select the following Profit and Loss options in a Customized Statement:
  • MTM and Realized P/L – Displays statement sections and fields that pertain to Mark-to-Market and Realized profit and loss.
  • MTM Only – Displays statement sections and field that pertain to Mark-to-Market profit and loss. Sections and fields pertaining to Realized P/L will be omitted from the statement.
  • Realized P/L Only – Displays statement sections and field that pertain to Realized P/L profit and loss. Sections and fields pertaining to Mark-to-Market P/L will be omitted from the statement.
  • None – Displays trade data in your statement without sections and fields pertaining to profit and loss.

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