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Plotly Python – An Interactive Data Visualization – Part II

Plotly Python – An Interactive Data Visualization – Part II

Posted May 12, 2020 at 1:35 pm

Rekhit Pachanekar , Shaktiprasad Shimpi

See Part I to get started with Plotly Python.

Scatter Plot

Usually, a scatter plot is used as a visual of the correlation between two entities. Here, we will try to see if there is any correlation between the Adjusted Closing prices of Tesla and Apple, respectively.

Since we had used the data of Tesla from 1 February to 3 March. We will import the data of the same time frame.

Thus, the Python code for importing the Apple data is as follows:

# Import Apple data
apple =‘AAPL’,’2020-02-01′, ‘2020-03-03’)

Now, we will calculate the percentage change of both Tesla and Apple and store it in a new column as “Percentage Change”

# Calculate Daily Percentage Change
tesla[‘PercentChange’]=tesla[‘Adj Close’].pct_change()
apple[‘PercentChange’]=apple[‘Adj Close’].pct_change()
# Create Layout
layout = go.Layout(title = ‘Tesla Vs Apple Chart’,
xaxis = dict (title = ‘Tesla Percent change’),
yaxis = dict (title = ‘Apple Percent change’),
# Create Data to Plot
data = [go.Scatter(x = tesla[‘PercentChange’],y = apple[‘PercentChange’], mode=’markers’)]
# Create Figure Object
figure = go.Figure(data=data,layout=layout)
# Plot the figure

The scatter plot is given below:

Plotly Python – An Interactive Data Visualization

To interact with the Chart and download the code, visit QuantInsti: To edit Plotly code in the charts, visit

In the next installment of this series, the authors will discuss Line Chart using Plotly Express.

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