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How To Install Python Packages – Part VII

How To Install Python Packages – Part VII

Posted April 7, 2020 at 1:36 pm

Madhuri Sangaraju , Jay Parmar

See the previous installment in this series here to get up-to-speed on installing Python packages and working with dir()function

Resolution of frequent user queries

As you begin to learn Python, you might encounter certain issues with respect to the platform and might feel that you are the only one here. Well, over the years we have seen queries from users which are common and most of them struggle to find answers to them. Thus, we’ll try to address some of them in this section of the how to install Python packages tutorial.

The queries we will address are:

  • Cannot install iexfinance using conda install
  • Import get_data from iexfinance does not work
  • Dependency packages – scikit-learn

Note: iexfinance errors are not available in the updated version of Anaconda

Query #1: Cannot install iexfinance using conda install

If you have installed Python using Anaconda, then you are familiar with the installation of Python packages using conda installer.

To install ‘iexfinance’ you would write:

But this would throw an error as follows.

This is because the package is not available in Anaconda repository.

You can check for the same in the repository. It shows no results.

As mentioned earlier, You can search for the ‘iexfinance’ package in PyPI and check out the result as shown.

Thus, you can use the ‘iexfinance’ package using PyPI’.

You need to use ‘pip’ instead of ‘conda’ in your Anaconda prompt to install the packages from PyPI.

Write ‘pip install iexfinance’ in the Anaconda prompt to install the iexfinance package.

Stay tuned for the next installment, in which the authors will discuss how to work with importing via get_data from iexfinance.

Visit for ready-to-use Python functions as applied in trading and data analysis.

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