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Introduction to Mutual Funds

Trading Course
Level Beginner

• Acquire certain skills and understanding related to mutual funds and ETFs, including how to identify various product types, as well as their benefits and drawbacks • Gain hands-on know-how through a practical demonstration of how to use market scanners an online trading platform.

• Identify various types of mutual funds, comprehend the difference between active and passive management, understand how open-end and closed-end mutual funds differ, • Learn about some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of mutual funds, as well as help determine for themselves whether mutual funds are an appropriate investment for them.

• Identify the different ways people can invest in mutual funds • Know when orders to buy or sell a mutual fund can be placed • Understand when and how often mutual funds are priced • Learn how mutual fund share prices are determined • Know how to explain the major share classes and the fees for each type

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