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Learn more about IBKR accounts

Proprietary Trading Group

Trading Term

  1. An organization whose owners, employees and/or contractors trade in the name of accounts owned by the group and exclusively use the group’s funds for all of their trading activity.
  2. An Interactive Brokers account structure in which corporations and trading organizations authorize multiple traders to enter orders in a single account, or set up individual accounts for traders, or strategies with separate credit limits. IBKR offers two types of Proprietary Trading Group accounts:
  • Pool – A single trading account with one or more users who can view and modify other traders’ activity.
  • Separate Trading Limit (STL) – An account in which master accounts, sub accounts and users are part of the same legal entity. In a STL account, funds are deposited in the master account and transferred between the master and sub accounts to control individual trader limits.

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