mobileTWS® for Android Tablet® Webinar Notes


IB's mobileTWS® provides electronic access to your IB account wherever you go, directly from your Android Tablet®. Trade stocks, options, futures and forex, view real-time charts and market data, monitor your trades, account balance and more, from the convenience of your Android Tablet®.

Some of the mobileTWS for Android Tablet® features we'll cover today include:

Download the App

Click Trading Technology | Mobile Trading on the IB site, and then click on Android for Tablets on Google Play© or Amazon Apps© to download the app.

Login into mobileTWS®

The Android Tablet® is a touch screen device; you can type with your fingers on the touch screen or use the on-screen keyboard. Click on the IB icon to open mobileTWS.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

After mobileTWS opens, you will see the Customer Login.

When you touch the Customer Login username field, an entry keyboard is displayed which allows you to enter your secure login data. If you have a paper trading account, you can log into that account using your paper trading account username and password.

If you participate in the secure login system, enter the appropriate security code. You can only be logged into one IB trading session at one time. If you are logged in on another platform you will receive a message asking that you either disconnect the other system or cancel the current login.

A new checkbox, Use SSL, has been added to the login screen. This security feature is available in all regions that support this protocol. Checking Use SSL ensures that all information passed to and from your mobileTWS session is protected. Note that enabling this functionality may slightly impact performance depending on the capabilities of your mobile device.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Screen Components

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Once you're logged in, you will see the main mobileTWS® screen. Let's take a look at the different components on the mobileTWS page.

Quick Access Buttons

View Account ID

For individual accounts, your account id is displayed in the white text field. For advisors, you can select from a list of accounts by touching the white text field. The Portfolio and Account balances will reflect the account id chosen.


Touch Logout to disconnect from mobileTWS®.


Left Menu Panel (Similar to the TWS tabbed pages)


mobileTWS® initially displays a few pre-loaded watchlists. It's easy to rename the watchlists, delete quotes, rearrange the quote list order and add new quotes to these existing watchlists. You can also define an entirely new watchlist.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Quote Details

mobileTWS for Android Tablet
mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Create an Order

mobileTWS for Android Tablet
mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Live Orders


View Portfolio

Touch Portfolio to display your current positions. An account summary at the top of the page displays Net Liquidity, Excess Liquidity, Unrealized and Realized P&L at the top of the page.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet


To submit complex orders quickly, open the BookTrader tool from the Quote Details window.

The BookTrader price ladder shows the bid/ask volume at available price points.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Simple Book Order Ticket

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Complex Book Order Ticket

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

You can toggle between complex and simple order types by touching either the Simple Order or Complex Order buttons.

Option Chain & Combo Builder

A combo or spread order is a combination of individual orders (legs) that work together to create a single trading strategy.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet
mobileTWS for Android Tablet
mobileTWS for Android Tablet

View the Option Combo on the Watchlist. Touch the Combo to see it appear to the right of the Watchlist. Touch the Buy or Sell button at the top of the window to initiate an order. The order window will appear and you can adjust the quantity and order details.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet

Miscellaneous Features

Market Scanners

Two scanners are initially available on the left menu panel: US Active and US Gainers.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet
mobileTWS for Android Tablet
mobileTWS for Android Tablet

View Account Balances

Portfolio News

Touch Portfolio News from the left menu to view the news headlines for contracts in your portfolio. Touch the headline to view the story. To get the next available headlines, pull down to refresh/reload.

Importing Watchlist

No need to worry about adding tickers to mobileTWS so that you can trade the same contracts in all mobileTWS and desktop TWS versions. mobileTWS for Android Tablet now allows you to import Watchlist tickers that you added to TWS or mobileTWS on another device to your mobile Watchlist.

Once you have enabled the latest versions of TWS and mobileTWS, you can import Watchlists to mobileTWS using the "Import" quick access button at the top of the window. Select one or multiple Watchlists to import. To import changes to an existing Watchlist, elect to overwrite the full page, or just append new tickers to the existing Watchlist.


The Mobile Trading Assistant comprises a group of notifications that are controlled separately and that pro actively notify you when user-specified market, account, positions and order execution thresholds are crossed. Notifications occur in real time, and can be sent via email or text. Notifications include:

To activate the Trading Assistant notifications, touch the Quick Access button select TradeAssist, and use the sliders on each category to enable or disable the notification. Specify the boundary limits as needed.

mobileTWS for Android Tablet


Setup – To view your mobileTWS® configuration settings, touch the Setup quick access button.

Any symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and do not portray a recommendation.

Interactive Brokers LLC is a member of NYSE, FINRA, SIPC