Probability Lab

The Probability Lab SM offers a practical way to think about options without the complicated mathematics.

Probability Lab

Use the Probability Lab to analyze the market's probability distribution, which shows what the market believes are the chances that certain outcomes will occur. Adjust based on your own forecast.

  • Use the grab-and-pull bars in the dynamic market-implied Probability Distribution to create your own custom Probability Distribution. Always see your prediction alongside the market implied calculation.
  • Elect to find delta neutral or non delta-neutral strategies with a specified minimum number of legs based on your customized Probability Distribution.
  • See the P&L performance of the selected strategy up close in the Performance Detail chart.
  • Modify leg details and order parameters and submit an order directly from the lab.

For details on using the Probability Lab, see the TWS Users' Guide.

Any symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and do not portray a recommendation.