IBKR OTC Futures on LME Metals

IBKR OTC Futures on LME Metals

IBKR LME OTC Futures1 provide clients (excluding residents of the US, Canada, Hong Kong, and Israel) synthetic access to the London Metal Exchange, a peer to peer exchange not generally available to nonmember investors.
  • Unique Access to Industrial Metals Trading: LME OTC contracts on Aluminium, Copper, Lead, Tin, Nickel and High Grade Zinc access the liquidity of the world's leading metals trading venue.

  • Trade highly liquid 3rd Wednesday contracts: 3rd Wednesday contracts provide electronic access to a contract with monthly expiry, like a future. They represent around 65% of open interest on the exchange.

  • Transparent Quotes and Executions: IBKR streams quotes from the LME (L2 market data) and does not widen the quote. Every client order is first hedged on exchange and the LME OTC order filled at the price of the hedge.

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  1. The LME metal futures are OTC derivative contracts with IBUK as the counterparty. The UK Metal futures reference the corresponding LME future in terms of price, lot size, type and specification but are themselves not registered contracts. Physical delivery is not permitted.