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For questions about interest rate issues, please use the Inquiry Ticket or Chat system located in the Support menu of Account Management.

For all below examples assume benchmark rates as follows:

Benchmark (BM) Rate
US Dollar Fed Funds Effective 1.70%
EONIA (Euro Overnight Index Average) 2.080%
CHF LIBOR (Overnight Rate) (0.70)%
GBP LIBOR (Overnight Rate) 4.439%

Example 1 - Interest Paid To You (USD)

When you hold excess positive cash balances, we'll pay interest as follows:

Statement Reflects
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
  10,000 10,000 10,000
Commodity Margin Deficit 5,000
Adjusted Balance 10,000 5,000 10,000
Adjusted for Securities Balance
Cash for Interest 10,000 5,000 10,000
Combine Securities + IBUKL 20,000
Commodity 5,000

Calculate interest on Combined Securities + IBUKL balance, allocate to accounts on a pro-rata basis.
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
First 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Next 10,000 0.33 0.00 0.00
Pay/Charge to Securities 0.17
Pay/Charge to UKL 0.17
Pay/Charge to Commodity 0.00 * interest is not paid to free cash held in the commodity sub-account

Example 2 - Interest Paid to You on Net Positive Balances

When you hold a positive cash balance in your securities account and a negative cash balance in the IBUKL segement, interest will be paid as follows:

Statement Reflects
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
  25,000 5,000 (10,000)
Commodity Margin Deficit 5,000
Adjusted Balance 25,000 0.00 (10,000)
Adjusted for Securities Balance
Cash for Interest 25,000 0.00 (10,000)
Combine Securities + IBUKL 15,000
Commodity 0.00

Calculate interest on Combined Equity + IBUKL balance, allocate to accounts on a pro-rata basis.
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
First 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Next 5,000 0.17 0.00 0.00
Pay/Charge to Securities 0.17
Pay/Charge to UKL 0.00
Pay/Charge to Commodity 0.00

Example 3 - Interest Calculated on Net Balances

If both the securities and UKL segments have negative cash and the commodity segment holds excess cash, interest will be calculated as follows:

Statement Reflects
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
  (30,000) 150,000 (10,000)
Commodity Margin Deficit 10,000
Adjusted Balance (30,000) 140,000 (10,000)
Adjusted for Securities Balance 40,000
Cash for Interest 10,000 100,000 (10,000)
Combine Securities + IBUKL 0.00
Commodity 100,000

Calculate interest on Combined Securities + IBUKL balance, allocate to accounts on a pro-rata basis.
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
First 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Next 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pay/Charge to Securities 0.00
Pay/Charge to UKL 0.00
Pay/Charge to Commodity 0.00 * interest is not paid to free cash held in the commodity sub-account

Example 4 - Interest Paid to You on Net Positive Balances

If the securities segment holds excess cash and the commodities segment holds negative cash, interest will be calculated as follows:

Statement Reflects
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
  50,000 (10,000) 0.00
Commodity Margin Deficit 0.00
Adjusted Balance 50,000 (10,000) 0.00
Adjusted for Securities Balance (10,000)
Cash for Interest 40,000 0.00 0.00
Combine Securities + IBUKL 40,000
Commodity 0.00

Calculate interest on Combined Securities + IBUKL balance, allocate to accounts on a pro-rata basis.
  Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
First 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Next 30,000 1.00 0.00 0.00
Pay/Charge to Securities 1.00
Pay/Charge to UKL 0.00
Pay/Charge to Commodity 0.00

Example 5 - Interest Calculation on Excess Commodity Segment Funds

When you have positive funds in the commodity segment but do not meet the 10,000 payment threshold for interest in the securities segment, interest will be calculated as follows:

Statement Reflects
Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
2,500 200,000 0.00
Commodity Margin Deficit 10,000
Adjusted Balance 2,500 190,000 0.00
Adjusted for Securities Balance
Cash for Interest 2,500 190,000 0.00
Combine Securities + IBUKL 2,500
Commodity 190,000

Calculate interest on Combined Securities + IBUKL balance, allocate to accounts on a pro-rata basis.
Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
First 10,000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Next 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pay/Charge to Securities 0.00
Pay/Charge to UKL 0.00
Pay/Charge to Commodity 0.00 * interest is not paid to free cash held in the commodity sub-account.

Example 6 - Interest Calculation on Positive CHF Cash Balances

When you have an excess positive cash balance in CHF, daily interest will be calculated as follows:

Statement Reflects
Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
220,000 0.00 10,000
Commodity Margin Deficit 0.00
Adjusted Balance 220,000 0.00 10,000
Adjusted for Securities Balance
Cash for Interest 220,000 0.00 10,000
Combine Securities + IBUKL 230,000
Commodity 0.00

Calculate interest on Combined Securities + IBUKL balance, allocate to accounts on a pro-rata basis.
Securities Settled Cash Commodities Settled Cash UKL Settled Cash
First 100,000 0.00 0.00 0.00
Next 130,000 (3.43) 0.00 0.00
Pay/Charge to Securities (3.28)
Pay/Charge to UKL (0.15)
Pay/Charge to Commodity 0.00