Apply Bollinger Band Indicator

Bollinger Bands measure volatility by plotting a series of three bands. The middle band represents the moving average (SMA or WMA or EMA). The upper band is a set number of standard deviations higher than the middle band (generally 2), and the lower band is a set number of standard deviations (generally 2) lower than the middle band. You set the distance of standard deviation when you create the study.

Bollinger Bands are calculated like this:


ML = Avg. (N)  

TL = ML + (D*StdDev)

BL = ML — (D*StdDev)



ML - middle line

Avg(N) - SMA or WMA or EMA

TL - top line

BL - bottom line

N — is the number of periods used in calculation;

StdDev — the Standard Deviation.

StdDev = SQRT(SUM[(CLOSE — SMA(CLOSE, N))^2, N]/N)

To apply a Bollinger Band Indicator

  1. Create a realtime interactive chart.

  2. On the Charts menu select Add Study.

  3. From the list of study indicators, select Bollinger Bands.